莲花公园|印度哈里亚纳邦 | Morphis

Morphis接洽TATA Housing以创建壮观的住宅景观,那些植根于印度社区的文化以促进健康和可持续的生活方式,从而促进哈里亚纳邦的新发展。莲花代表了长寿和好运——花瓣展现的纯洁象征和精神实质暗示着灵魂的升华。





建造所有路线汇聚于一点的景观构架,莲花公园将成为生活的中枢,成为充满乐趣、发现、举行特别活动的地方。受当代本地生活体验的启发,一系列花园房间连接了室内和室外空间。丰富快乐的记忆将起始于伟大的草坪、游乐场地以及由蔬果园组成“field to fork”以提高当地产量和可追溯性的示范性花园。


中亚——印度迁徙路线作为横跨印度的迁徙走廊的一部分,覆盖了北冰洋和欧亚大陆的陆地区域、印度洋和“Habitat Hotels”为鸟类创建筑巢区的相关岛链。


莲花公园|印度哈里亚纳邦 | Morphis

客户| TATA Housing
设计公司| Morphis
图像+文本制作人员| Morphis

Lotus Park | Haryana, India | Morphis
Morphis were approached by TATA Housing to create a spectacular residential landscape, rooted in the culture of India’s community to promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for a new development in Haryana. The Lotus vision represents long life and good fortune – symbolic of purity and spiritual nature with unfolding petals suggesting an expansion of the soul.

The brief was to create a distinctive identity inspired by the uniqueness of ‘place’ to differentiate the TATA brand against other nearby residential developments. In addition, the design should create a high quality and safe residential environment, inherently bringing long term value to the investment, and an open space platform to promote civic pride and enhance the sense of belonging.

A landscape framed by buildings where all lines of movement flow together, Lotus Park will become a living sensorium, a place full of fun and discovery, a place for special events. A contemporary, yet locally inspired lifestyle experience, celebrating a series of garden rooms as a seamless integration between indoor and outdoor spaces. Rich and happy memories will be created on the Great Lawn, play areas and demonstration gardens where edible gardens form part of the ‘field to fork’ approach to enhance local production and traceability.

Children and adults alike will play freely and creatively, getting lost in games and imagination; flexible and agile spaces were developed to use at different times of the day as well as to celebrate seasonal and cultural festivities.

The Central Asian-Indian Flyway covers a large continental area of Eurasia between the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean and the associated island chains which have been celebrated across the site with a series of ‘Habitat Hotels’ create nesting sites for birds, as well as an interpretive learning resource for residents, as part of the migratory corridors through India.

Both bird and insect attractor native plant species will be enriched with a learning program, activated by scanning the tags with resident’s smartphones – adding a digital, invisible layer that can evolve through the seasons and beyond.

Lotus Park | Haryana, India | Morphis
Client | TATA Housing
Design Firm | Morphis
Image + Text Credits | Morphis